High Line Car House Wedding Photography \\ Allison & John
The other day I was skating up and down my neighborhood street with a camera around me neck (duh). A 10 year old kid comes up to me. We start talking about skateboarding, he mentions that he likes my hat, my camera, my board and shares with me what kind of brands he likes and how much they cost. We’re talking — his shoes cost $100 (not really, he’s flattering himself and I know this), his hat is $50, t-shirt is $30, etc. — he’s a photographer AND runs a fashion design business with a magazine that he and his friend are creating back at his house. “Cool!” I say, “. .. sounds like your a busy dude and good on you for getting after it. Here’s my board. Skate on it a bit, bring it back and let me know what you think.” 10 minutes later he returns. . .pauses. . .catches his breath. . .
and says, “That’s fire.”
Allison and John don’t skateboard, that I’m aware of. Allison met John on a flight she was on with her mother. John was the pilot. Allison’s mom said something like, “he’s cute. You should talk to him.” I think Allison did. Better than that, she found him on Facebook, messaged him, met him, connected deeply and KAPOW! Now they’re married. I’ve met a string of women lately that have had moms mention how cute some guy was, told the daughter to talk to him, she did and now daughter and cute guy are marred. What I take away from this is that moms still matter and moms know how to get married! Women — LISTEN TO YOUR MOM! ha ha.
Here we go. I present to you Handsome John & Lookin’ Lady Allison — they’re fire.