Century Farm Home Wedding Photography in Chardon, Ohio \\ Bethany & Jamil
Hot damn this was a good one!
Bethany and Jamil were married on Bethany’s family property in Chardon, Ohio. No, this isn’t a property that just happens to be nice, big and vast. There’s some real history behind this puppy. The house and land have been passed down along patrilineal lines. Bethany’s father now inherits it. I believe that before him it was his father’s, then his father’s and so on. I may be wrong — I could be way wrong but the romanticism of passing land and possessions down between family members sings a special chord in my heart. My grandparents have of land lineage of just that with my mother and uncle. It already takes hold on my uncle’s side.
So yeah. . .there is heart and history in this. It sets the tone for a tale of rooted love far deeper than just a pretty venue. There are bones in this one and I find that transcendently profound.
These two currently live in Brooklyn. Bethany’s Instagram feed causes pause in my morning routine just about every single time I see a post from her. I dig what she digs and I knew that before we actually met for the wedding, in the flesh. So when I galloped up to her with arms stretched wide open it felt nothing but sincere; like hugging an old friend. That kind of feeling breeds a greater atmosphere for visual collection in what we do. It’s true beyond words. There’s a feeling in the air and in what we do, how we do it and our blood boils for it. Good lawd I crave it!
Jamil is a straight stud. Hell, I’d love to marry him. He also hand sewn clover through the family pine grove that would serve as the ceremony aisle. What the duck! And it was beautiful. The amount of depth in those greens gave my nature loving fanny a tickle. Combine that with everything outdoors that enveloped this wedding and it begins to be a dream setting for a wedding, caked in family history and love.
DONE. I wrap these two up in cuddly blankets of hardcore love. Cheers.