Copious Wedding Photography \\ Marcie & Matt
Spirit and Metal at an intimately feeling, vibrant evening at Copious. I could maybe sum it up that way. Obviously, it’s bigger and better than that. They are better than just that.
I remember meeting Marcie for the first time. I can vividly recall seeing her; her hair, colors, smile and feeling a core essence of who she might be. There was some real life in this one.
That. is. for. sure.
Then enters Matt. We first got together for engagements (which I never got around to blogging because HEY!, shit got real and life on my end got busy and here we sit). He was cool, easy, breezy, beautiful cover boy on the outside but I found out later on that he was waaaaay more musically spectacular than that. WAY COOLER.
So while hanging out the day of their wedding I already knew it’d be good and quickly realized how much fun it would be. Now that I’m thinking about it, I kind of miss their friends that we hung out with through the day because they were 100% receptive and friendly and entertaining and easy to photograph, let alone spend time with. So thanks guys (if you’re reading this)! Thanks for being nice people! Thanks Marcie and Matt for being killer people that don’t actually kill.
Soak it in, pals. Here’s M&M and cheers to 6AM writing & Springsteen’s “Youngstown”.