2019 Year In Review // Columbus, Ohio Wedding Photography
2019 was a good year for 222. I say that in all honesty because it was’t the best year — success, growth, money, personal satisfaction, etc — I’d be lying if I said so. I’d by lying and bullshitting you and myself if I were to glorify every single person I met and photographed; self-feeding, indulging myself with stereotypical remarks like “I have the best couples in the world” (that’s a thing that sooo many photographers say) . It’s just not true. . .not for anyone. All photographers can’t all have the best couples in the world. Fact.
I will say that people I photograph (past & the identifiable future) are all damn good people. No one is or has been an asshole to me or anyone I work with while photographing. So that’s good, right? Right! It is! For some reason or another the people that end up in my life through photography have never really complicated my life in a terrible way. I hear those stories. Bridezilla is a noun because that happens to people. Not here. Not me. I’m waiting for it, though (more for shear entertainment value and future story telling). For now, I’ll wait a little longer and continue to pride myself in the fact that good people walk into my life, my family’s life, and allow me to do what this craft & personality give me pleasure in doing — photographing people.
It’s love. It’s family. It’s marriage. It’s old lineage feuds. It’s a wedding.
It’s photographing people at their best and THAT is the honor.
2020 will be a good one. Again, I’ll have best couples in the world to photograph (I barf in my mouth a little when I write that only because it’s a widespread industry status quo thing to say) and my photographic bones are growing.
I’m in the midst of building a small studio/darkroom space where I intend to get back to my roots in black and white film photography; doing everything by hand from the beginning shooting process to the ending darkroom print. 35mm will continue to run rampant in my life. Large format photography will make a debut. I’d like to bring couples, families, individuals in for classical portrait work in studio — all film, developed, printed, presented and delivered in house the way the craft once was before the onset of our digital world.
While digital work is gnarly & quick I find that there is deep beauty in the “paper in hand” analog process. I look forward to it.
I look forward to seeing you here through 222. Love hard & live love. . .